Friday, May 17, 2013

Ms. Fo' Fo'

My favorite thing from today . . .

One of my kids was turned around talking, at which I warned him that he already had a "strike" and that this could make two. Without hesitation, he blew up at me, claiming he "Didn't do nothin'!" I instantly gave him the look-of-death and said, "Wait. Let's try that again and this time without yelling at your teacher." After he did this, all the girls around him started hassling him to apologize to me (a small miracle in of itself), and he finally sighed and said, "Oooohhhh alright. I'm sorrryyy Ms. Foe-Foe." Hysterical laughter ensues. Apparently my new nickname is "Ms. Foe - Foe."

I seriously cannot believe how far these guys have come. They are definitely not the same children I started with in November. I really am starting to like them.  Yesterday, I told my 8th graders how proud I was of them and started to tear up . . . surprisingly, some of them started to tear up as well!  They were actually pretty shocked that I was crying - they kept saying, "Well, at least she hasn't cried every day while yelling at us!"  It was kinda cute. 

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